Hi all,
Please come and bring a friend to our Tuesday (12/10) noon meeting at the Twin Dragon. Our guest speaker will be our very own Lori Benfiet. I bought the most amazing chocolate cake at the auction, which I will proudly serve at the meeting.
Speaking about the auction: it was an amazing fund raising event. People from all Optimist programs were there. Not sure how much was raised, but I'm confident it will beat our club $2500 record. Thanks to all who pitched in and helped during the auction. A special thanks must go out to our auction committee: Dyan G. (food/venue), Paul M. (donations!/flyer), Sue O. (decorations/invitations), Steve O. (donations/invitations), , Cyndi E. (advertising/auction expertise), Rick P. (technical/chair support), and Lisa P. (chair).
MSTI Family Christmas Party: Here's your chance to interact with the kids and families we serve. We need volunteers to help set-up and/or staff the party. Contact Dyan Graybeal (dyan@itbpromos.com) asap and let her know you're coming. Thanks.
Calendar Updates:
12/10 BYSC Board Meeting - Cancelled.
12/10 BNOC Board Meeting - Cancelled.
12/16 Special session of BNOC Board after the evening club meeting at Casa Mexico.
Tentative agenda: allocation of auction proceeds, up-to-date concessions report, Bylaws revision timeline
Hope to see many of you on Tuesday,
Lisa Peterson
President, BNOC
Hope to see many of you on Tuesday,
Lisa Peterson
President, BNOC