Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Dyan Graybeal gaveled the meeting to order at 12:11.  Don Gunner led us i the Pledge of Allegiance, and Barry Fitzgerald said the Invocation.

We had two guests this day.  Kristi Halford, who has two boys in the Optimist Youth Football program, and one time BNOC member, Howard Pierce.  

Kristi came to our last Board meeting to talk about the football program.  She then accepted my invitation to attend today's meeting/luncheon. 
Howard moved to Eugene Oregon from Boise in 1985.  He was a charter member of the BNOC.  He just happened to be in town and he looked us up.  He shook hands with old friends Stub Clarkson and Barry Fitzgerald.  There was lots of talk of the "old days."

Sunshine Dollars:  Dyan has a new granddaughter.  Sue Clarkson about grandson Will getting married.  Howard Pierce about seeing old friends.  And Dixie that her granddaughter is 10.

REMINDER ... Our Annual Installation & Awards Dinner will be held at Jakers in Meridian
 (3268 East Pine St) on Sunday October 9th.

Dyan and Jerron reported that the shuttle busses were busy Saturday at the fields.  If you get towed folks, it's $150 to get your car back, and if you delay, every day costs you an extra $50 per.  One coach and two people were "asked to leave." 

Sue Clarkson talked about how they passed the bucket to raise money for  some kids on the Meridian High football team.  They raise $617!  It's damn expensive to have a boy play football in High School anymore.  Sad.

Dyan is asking for ideas for the annual MSTI Christmas Party.

Trees are now being sold out at the fields for $275, that includes a concrete post with your name on it. 

Don Gunner's ticket was called and he drew an ace to win half of the monstrous $26 pot. 

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