Monday, August 15, 2011

Notes from August 9

Dyan Graybeal gaveled the meeting to order at 12:07.  Barbara Callahan led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Steve Oliver said the Invocation.

Sunshine Dollars:   Larry Highley talked about going to the Yellow Pine Harmonica Festival, which led to a conversation about how good the old Boise River Festival use to be. Rocky Jackson got to see his grandkids.  Dyan Graybeal went rafting with her sister who kept screaming all the way.    

The district convention will be on Aug. 24 & 25, in Bellview, Washington with Larry Blackburn from the Nampa Optimists being sworn in as the new Governor.

Financial advisor Dan McQuesten
talks about the economy
A reminder that the annual Jamboree will be Saturday August 20.  As usual, we could use some help out there at Bronco Stadium.  First game is at 8:00 AM.

Our speaker this day was our own Dan McQuesten, who is a financial advisor for UBS Financial Services Inc.  He is also in the Air Force Reserves.

Believe me folks, I tried to keep up with what he was saying, but it was difficult for me sometimes.  So I'll do my best here to report on what he said.

Stub Clarkson reaps a benefit
from his investment today
Dan's main theme was "Not to worry."  Our country is still the best in the world and we will rebound.  We are still the biggest manufacturer in the world, even over China.  America has an abundance of raw materials, as is not the case in China.  Europe could be in trouble though.   The future could show that America will be less powerful, but that's not the worst thing that could happen.  He said by the end of this year, the S&;P will be up 20%. 
Dan said that federal tax loop holes need to be closed and that Social Security and Medicare may have to be revalued.  He always tells his clients to try to have a year's worth of pay in cash. 

As you can imagine, there was a great deal of discussion from us all.

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