Thursday, October 11, 2012

First noon meeting of the new year

Happy Birthday by Dyan and Sue

New President Scott Muir opened the meeting at !2:05. Mike Bouton led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Stub Clarkson said the Invocation.

SUNSHINE DOLLARS: Sue Clarkson: "After all the doctors I've been to, I saw on the Dr. Oz show that I'm full of gas." Dyan Graybeal:"Thanks for everyone's help while Sue Oliver and I were Co-Presidents." Cindi Wall: "My oldest son is 40!" Larry Highley went hunting ... "It was 12 degrees! "

Snickerdoodles - Birthday treats from Cloris
Scott said he liked the nighttime meeting at the Black Bear and wants to keep going there once a month. We are maybe going to have on speaker a month at the Twin Dragon and Scott thought it would be good to have our members come up and speak for a few minutes. Wemay have a speaker at one of our nighttime meetings.

We need help at the fields on Saturday for equipment turn-ins.

Mike Bouton gave a great presentation on Medicare. He knows his stuff. Too much information to repeat here.

Sunday, October 14, 5:30 Social, 6:00 Dinner. BYOB. $20 per person. Location: Club House Events Center - 7311 W. Potomac - across from the Mall off Cole. Dinner by Goodwood BBQ - ribs & chicken & lots of trimmings! Please RSVP by October 10 - Acceptances Only call Sue at 376-6223. Joins Us to Celebrate and welcome Scott and his team! Please let Sue Oliver 376- 6223 or me know if you are attending.

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