Saturday, December 15, 2012

BNOC News, December 11

The BNOC meeting was gaveled to order by president Scott Muir at 12: 10. We were led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Linda Jackson, and the Invocation was said by Stub Clarkson.

SUNSHINE DOLLARS: Cindy Wall because her father does not have cancer. Cloris Brown because her son (and current Volunteer of the Year) Pat Brown came through back surgery just fine. Dyan Graybeal ... "Do you know husband Doug has been away off and on for 45 weeks?" Many said the MSTI Christmas Party was a big success. One little girl came up to Cloris and personally thanked her for the party. That brought tears to Cloris' eyes.

Walt Callahan introduced his good friend visiting from Reno, retired full Colonel, Core of Engineers, Don Pawlowski.

We still need people to help sell programs at the BSU basketball games!

We were blessed this day to have Garrett Patton as our speaker. Garrett is the son of someone named Greg Patton who I believe has something to do with coaching men's tennis at BSU. Mr. Patton Senior had just flown in from Europe at midnight fresh from leading his World Team Tennis team to victory. You're an amazing man Greg!

Today it was son Garrett's turn to take over the presentation duties. And you really could see that he was every bit as good as his father.

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