Thursday, April 24, 2014

Newsletter April 24

President Larry Highley gaveled the meeting to order at 12:09. Sue Clarkson led us in the Pledge of
Allegiance, and Stub Clarkson said the Invocation. Stub introduced his friend (and one time Optimist) Frank Nasso. 

SUNSHINE $$ Dyan Graybeal for her father who is doing better in the hospital. Cyndi Elliot who by chance met new member Lori Benfiet. Scott Muir for his daughter Stephanie who will be going to Cal Poly later this year. Stub Clarkson who have a wonderful family Easter with family and new great granddaughter. Sue Clarkson about grandson Will Longstroth running in the Race To Robie Creek. "He did very well considering he didn't train for it at all!"

We need people for the concession stands on Sunday. Please come and work a few hours, this is a big source of income for us. Call Larry at (816) 258-0187.

Dyan brought a catalogue of new Optimist shirts and vests for us. Looks good!

The Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY) picnic is coming up on June 7th. It will be held at Hope's Door in Caldwell. This year it will be headed by Joan VanSchoiack. She will be at our meeting on May 27th.

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