Thursday, November 3, 2011

Newsletter November 1

Dyan Graybeal gaveled the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.  Barry Fitzgerald led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Steve Oliver said the Invocation.

We will have our annual "Rake Up Boise" day on Saturday November 19.  More details later.

Dyan and Sue spoke of  Christmas Auction to be held on the fifth Tuesday of November, Tuesday November 29th.  It will be at the Policeman's Club House,  7311 W Potomac Dr, Boise, ID 83704.

December 10th is our annual MSTI Christmas party.  10:00 AM at the Anderson Center.

Our speaker next Tuesday will be Mike Stanton from Zamzow's.
Our speaker on Nov 15th will be Dee Sarton from KTVB.   

Our speaker this day was Boise State's men's tennis coach, Greg Patton.  My gosh what a wonderful inspirational speaker and story teller he is.

From Coach Patton:  "A man dies and is approached by an angel.  The angel asks him what he would like in the afterlife.  The man replies that the wants to play golf every day and shoot scratch golf, he says he wants to win the lottery every week, he wants to look young all the time and be in perfect shape, and have all the women he wants.  The angel grants these wishes.  As time goes by, the man becomes bored, he asks the angel,  'I'm bored, I think I want to go to Hell.'  The angel replies, Sir, you are in Hell!" 

Coach Patton's point was that we all need to be challenged.   Excellent!

Coach Patton's favorite film is Moneyball with Brad Pitt as the Oakland A's Billy Bean.  "In that movie, Billy Bean puts together a winning team without much money,  I go through the same thing trying to recruit tennis players, usually the Pac 10 gets all the top players."

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